Posted in Acceptance

Just breathe…

I’m a speck of dust
in something infinite,
finding joy at the beach,
the waves wash away
my emptiness,
and the sea-air
reminds me to breathe…

Posted in Acceptance

After midnight…

I’m falling into simpler things,
into rhythms that cause my heart to sing..

I’m starting over
I’m being amazed
Learning to truly celebrate!

I’m finding beauty everywhere
on hidden pathways
beyond despair..

I’m Letting go
I’m being brave
dreaming while I stay awake…

I’m changing into something soft
something rare,
never minding if people stare!

I’m laughing louder
dancing more
growing older
without keeping score…

I’m walking barefoot
taking time,
listening to what joy
has in mind..

Posted in Acceptance

Out of tune…

“What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?”
– John Lennon, Paul McCartney

Maybe sometimes
we just become out of tune,
like a guitar
that has lain
too long
and not been played.

All we need is a
maestro’s touch
to fine-tune our life,
to relearn the harmony
of all things,
to play again
in higher octaves of love,
and allow sounds of joy
to adjust our pitch.

Then we will know by heart
the song of our soul,
and remember
the beauty
of light within us…


Posted in Acceptance


“There are days when you wake up happy;
Again inside the fullness of life,
Until the moment breaks
And you are thrown back
Onto the black tide of loss”
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

In convoluted moods
of heartache
feelings persist,
reflections of another life
where magic still exists…

The storm grew weary
pouring out her pain
she bowed to its heaviness
stranded in the rain…

And the light
of her understanding
broke through
the clouds,
in a downpour
of melancholy
grief is allowed…


Posted in Acceptance

A secret place…

“You must forgive yourself, you know, for not knowing any better than you did at the time that you make something so. If you can do this much, you can release yourself from a magnitude of contention that you have created against the self. If you decide, right now, that every choice that you have ever made was born in awareness that you held at the moment that choice was made, you can be understanding of the way that you operated and when. If you knew now what you knew then, you may well have done differently, but you cannot”
― Paul Selig, The Book of Knowing and Worth: A Channeled Text

A secret place
were made,
the song of the waters
our serenade,
and we grew quite fond
of the sacred trust,
that connects our lives
like cosmic dust…

wounds gushed forth and sore hearts bled
stones cried out from the river bed,
our words became flesh
freeing our pain,
we rewrote our stories in the pouring rain..

we forgave ourselves for the times we’d failed
we changed the script and
and with grace
we exhaled…

like a tidal wave that resets our lives
together we sensed
that we had survived!


Posted in Acceptance


“As you awaken to your divine natureyou‘ll begin to appreciate beauty in everything you see, touch and experience.”
― Dr. Wayne Dyer

We are sparks of the divine,
moving endlessly through space and time,

bearing the darkness
wherever we go,
gathering light
in the overflow….

And memories float in liquid streams,
creating ripples
and lucid dreams…

Kindness returns us
to connection,
alchemizing our perceptions…

as we reclaim
our true selves,
from the flicker where glory dwells…

we are cherished
by light beings,
of the unseen…

changelings longing to be known,
beloved pilgrims
who ceaselessly roam…

seeking out definition,
augurs of this earth’s transition…

droplets falling back
into form,
remnants of the cosmic storms…


Posted in Acceptance

In every storm…

We are in the middle of stormy weather and especially around The Cape of Good Hope, also known as The Cape of Storms. The seas have been very high, flooding the land near the shore. A friend of mine took this photo, he said that people were intentionally standing in the way of the waves, like children, and it was exhilarating…
In his words “It was refreshing to see the power of nature and in the end, how powerless we are to control our own destiny.” I loved his words and photos…
Photo courtesy of Charles Mercer Photography…

storms of lifeIn every storm,
life gathers us,
to be our true selves,
it pummels lofty notions,
it deeply compels…

Rearranging our senses,
it renders us void,
rattling through the rafters
returning us to joy…

It reminds us
of our smallness,
but also our strength…
Momentarily engulfing us,
as it speaks to us in-depth…

Stripping us of arrogance,
with our rights,
as it works its magic
it transmutes us
into light…

Changing us into glory,
one molecule at a time,
revealing the mystical,
releasing the divine…

the law of nature
is a beautiful thing,
teaching us
to effortlessly sing…

And when it’s over
we must never return,
to our grandiose babbling,
grumbling words…


Posted in Acceptance

Seeing with the eyes of the heart…

“I am so grateful that surrender had taught me to willingly participate in life’s dance with a quiet mind and an open heart.”
― Michael A. Singer, The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection


The untethered soul
cannot be chained by circumstance
or relapse
into the insecurity
of the mind….
temporal attachments
have no hold
on those
who see their worth
through the eyes of love…