Posted in Africa


I recently took a trip to Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth)
There had been a fire in the forest nearby, so the road was quite hazy.
We stopped at our usual place for coffee with a view of Storm’s River bridge….

we were delighted to have the company of birds and a cat drinking out of the stone bird bath..

With a friend I discovered an amazing Art Gallery in Gqeberha, where they use the barter system.
I could pin a note to a painting I loved requesting an exchange for something
of equal value, and the artist could decide if it was something they need…

“We are pure” by Sanelisiwe Singaphi

Our next stop was the main gallery where we found a treasure trove of different pieces…

I especially loved these photos entitled “Joy”

I also loved the old buildings in the area and the post box that has almost become a collector’s item…

Posted in Beauty

A hush of praise…

I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief…
For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
― Wendell Berry, The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry

When weariness grows heavy
and the world seems strange,
I return to the sounds
of a placid exchange…

where lanky birds glide
over glittering sands,
accustomed to the magic
that makes no demands….

beauty shimmers in the vastness of the skies,
and joy is unfurled right before my eyes.

the bright waters echo to gentle waves,
and chaos is muted
by a hush of praise!

This is a poem I wrote a year ago and I have reworked it a bit.
The wearine
ss remains heavy at times,
until I rest in the grace of the world.


Posted in Beauty

Breaking the silence

“Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed.”
― Mary Oliver, Evidence: Poems

My eyes melted
into joyous skies
I felt the movement
of graceful lines

Absorbed by sounds of happy coots
I let unease quietly diffuse

And I breathed in the memory
of sunnier days
alive in the bloodstream
of organic praise
basking in the glow
of spoken prayer
I broke the silence of my despair…


Posted in Me in real life

It’s okay…

“All day, all night, now I can’t hide
Said I knew myself but I guess I lied”

You’ve woven tapestries
in my mind,
broken images
you left behind,
bubble over,
that require exposure…

some are fighting for their lives but you decided to go
and we’re all caught in the tragedy of this overflow…

but it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay
if you’re lost, we’re all a little lost and it’s alright

Because my friend took her life, I’ve had to dig deep down
to forgive myself for not doing enough.
It feels like a trauma I have to revisit every day,
the hurting doesn’t go away easily


This girl is so incredibly brave!
Posted in Gratitude

Between sighs…

”We arrive at this place. It does not have to be complicated. Our priority is to look after ourselves but, in doing so, to get over ourselves. Having been seen, heard and gotten, we turn towards the point of just listening. Listening to the sounds of our body, to the sound of our inscape. In the stillness, we see a light emerging.”
-Rick Frame

I’ll just keep scribbling stories
between sighs,
and dance with the magic
before my eyes…

when the day’s over and my breath is at rest,
I’ll listen to inscapes
of wondrousness…


Posted in grief

Holding a space…

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
[Matt 5:4]”

I feel as though I have landed in a terrible place of sorrow again,
my body aches with it, but I’m letting it be….

Two friends of mine have passed away within a month,
and not from covid…
It’s a heavy toll.
I wonder sometimes how much grief one can bear in this life,
does it accumulate?
Does the heaviness stay in our bones and bleed out when triggered?
Circumstances surrounding the death can be a catalyst
for the most terrible kind of sadness,
like when someone decides that they can’t live
on this earth plain anymore.

I have watched for three and a half years as people
lose children in many different ways,
be it by still-birth, suicide, cancer
and a multitude of other reasons.
It seems by far the worst kind of loss,
and it can be made more complicated by so many factors.

With a beautiful support group, and being able to share my worst pain ever,
I am able to see light and to even to touch it.
I have been able to bring myself into a place of serenity and beauty,
and to see those departed souls as perfectly exquisite beings of light.

It took time though and intention to find my way out
of the most awful heaviness.
Sometimes it takes bearing my soul, speaking out my regrets
and even reaching down into the heart-break,
At times it takes letting my heart be completely ripped to shreds.
I cannot hold this kind of sorrow inside me,
I would not be honoring those
who are no longer here, if I did,
nor would I be showing myself loving-kindness.
You don’t just get over it,
so, right now, I’m holding a space for mourning, for sitting in the pain.

I realize how hard it is to be here on this earth right now,
especially in these times, when so many lives
have been impacted in different ways.
It has separated many and being isolated brings
an even greater intensity of sadness…
a profound grief.

The trace of those who have touched our lives,
the substance of them
lingers forever
locked away in our hearts,
until one day we see them again,
in their wholeness…
In the last year there have been many losses
and not just because of covid.
It’s as though there is “a checking out” of many humans.

I vow to keep the faith,
love as much as is humanly possible
and always be ever so gentle
with myself and others…

and keep watch for the beauty that surrounds me,
even when it is hidden in dark places!


Posted in A tribute

Fly high…

“Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.”
― Mitch Alb

I’ve held grief in my body
inside my heavy heart
I know that I must grieve for you
though I feel blown apart

you never said goodbye to me
your wounds were never healed
you couldn’t see a future
you’d lost all of your dreams

I know the hurting is over
you’ve grown wings dear one
your flying with the angels
and your journey has just begun…

in this head-space of sorrow
my heaviness beats
you say to me don’t grieve
for you are in eternal peace…

I’ll keep watch for you
at sunset
I’ll feel you in pouring rain
I’ll hold you in my memory
and rejoice that you’re freed from pain..

a friend of mine passed yesterday
and it totally knocked the wind out of me…


Posted in Magical

The sky speaks..

“You are the sky. Everything else – it’s just the weather.”
― Pema Chödrön

The sky speaks to me
in shades of light
holding my attention
a wondrous sight.
It is the miracle
of all who breathe,
a light that dances
for those who believe.
Infused with a magic
that never ends
In vivid colors
that wildly blend.
a canopy
that cradles the universe
sacred chapters
of spoken verse…
