Posted in Beauty

Maitland beach…

I found joy in remote locations
dunes that touch the sky
blues that colour the ocean
and clouds that float on by…

Winds that beckon me forward
sands in wheaten hues,
a horizon that goes on forever
and an ever-faithful muse.

Beauty surrounds me
and elevates my mood
as I drift with the current,
there is no time to brood!


Posted in Beauty

Where I live…

I could tell you so much about this place
the way the full moon rises over the township
how the mists hang in the valley
the spectacle of flyers on cloud nine
the lagoon as it ebbs and flows
coots that call from the embankment
hadedas screeching from the rooftops
guinea fowls calling each other home
the song of the night jar
frogs that serenade at midnight
trees that bend with the winds
squishy mud on the island that cured my foot
sunsets over the vlei
boats that bob with the incoming tide
the roar of the ocean in the evenings
forests that sway in the wind
beaches that go on forever
skies that have no end
clouds that speak to me with signs
reaching into the heavens
and mostly just wild grasses that catch the light!

Posted in Beauty

I can’t get enough…

I can’t get enough
of your glory
as though I’m living a dream.
I imbibe the magic
of the sun in my eyes
dancing through light beams.
And I move with the rushing waters
sink into fluent shades,
I’m one with the sound
of the ocean,
I’m present when
the light slowly fades…
And you’ll call me back here tomorrow
once again I’ll be absorbed
by the worshipful colours
of the sea and the sky
and my faith will be restored.


Posted in Beauty

Landscapes of love

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
-Matt 6:21

I’ve been mute at times,
shocked by a loveless and chaotic world.

I search for beauty every day.
It’s always there in landscapes of love.

I’m awakened by a strange longing
to understand what my heart
truly desires.

Not to be left wanting
or satisfied only by the things of this world.

To turn from self-pity
and transcend into
higher vibrations.

But alas, I am human
and the flesh cries out for relief.

I wallow sometimes in my own tears,
sometimes I even drown in them,
because life can be so cruel.

Yet from this pit of sorrow
I can still see the stars…


Posted in Beauty


I love the joy of simple things,
like cool breezes
on my skin,

misty walks on autumn days,
the thunderous sound
of crashing waves,

delightful gatherings on the sands,
shrill seagulls
that clumsily land,

crabs that wash up on the shore,
sparkling waters
that gently restore.

I love the brilliance of blue skies,
sunkissed vistas
that harmonize.

I never tire of halcyon days,
when carefree aspects
capture my gaze…


Posted in Beauty


“Draw alongside the silence of stone, until it’s calmness can claim you.”
― John O’Donohue

As the sands move with the tide
they gather
and then let go,
currents knowingly flow..

The beach rises and falls.
Sea shells and stones embed themselves
in the rock’s memory
as if to remind us
that these rocks were once a beach.

It’s like us as we change
we retain the memories of our past,
it makes us who we are today,
maybe a little complicated
but beautiful nonetheless…
