Posted in Thinking out loud

All Hallow’s Eve…

I have always been fascinated by the history of Halloween…
“It originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all saints; soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain.”

It’s starting to gain some popularity here, in the Southern Hemisphere,
though it be our Spring… 🙂

halloween 2

It’s not so dark
on Halloween,
the leaves don’t fall
and the trees stay green…
as we wait for souls
to descend,
we play the game of “let’s pretend”…

this hallowed ground
rises up to greet,
the apparitions we long to meet…
we call to the dark
when the veil thins,
will we be punished for our sins?

dress me up
in holy attire,
that I may be your heart’s desire,
bring me blessings,
bring me treats,
I want to join this hallowed feast…

to dance with hobgoblins
and sorcerers,
in eerie forests
down corridors…

bar the windows dim the lights
ghoulish impressions will suffice…

as shadows cavort with ghosts,
under my breath
I hiss secret oaths…

“it’s the eve of all saint’s day when mere mortals
go out and play”…

image courtesy of PixaBay

Posted in Thinking out loud


“Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world awaits.”
― John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

reflections 2

If the sky was made of ground
and you saw the world
would you begin
to feel the magic,
would life still be as tragic?

If love was everywhere,
and all hearts became aware
that joy moves
as it pleases,
would you ever need a reason…
to believe
the stars shine
just for you,
and the elixir
of morning dew
is nature’s skillful remedy,
that restores our serenity…

if you saw reflections
in the Lake,
would you know that
there are no mistakes…
would you
join in
the applause,
of being utterly adored,
and let love bestow a harmony,
a resonance
that can set you free…




Posted in Love

Felt with the heart…

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched.
They must be felt with the heart.”
― Helen Keller

love speaks

Love speaks in shades of scarlet,
to lovers
to those departed…
Love inhabits memorable dreams,
it pours forth
and gently redeems…
Love is the language
of light,
it stills the heart ♡
and adorns the night…


Posted in heaven


“Magical places are always beautiful and deserve to be contemplated … Always stay on the bridge between the invisible and the visible. ”
― Paulo Coelho


I found a place of magic
where tears
fall like rain,
watering the flowers,
where hope
grows again…

clouds may gather
to contrast light,
and stars
are luminous
on the darkest nights…

There’s an affliction that crumbles the bones,
it enhances vibration
and raises
the tone,
of faith
and compassion
of every living thing
gushing from reservoirs
where mortals
to drink…

and the God of my understanding
brought me to life,
surrounded by heaven
I’m assured
that I’m divine…
