Posted in Mindfulness

Just a moment in time…

“What is created in love is an eternal frequency, and the gift of love to another stays with them long after the encounter has gone.”
― Paul Selig, I Am the Word: a channeled text.

Against a delicate backdrop,
the ocean roared,
drowning out
all thought,
on expansive shores…

and the Time Lords
anointed me
in salty spray,
washing of the stain
of my decay…

And I became
the liquid
of softening mists,
once more
in accord
with all that exists…. 


Posted in Mindfulness

Songs of kindness…

“Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”
― Khalil Gibran, Sand and Foam

Enrobed in crimson
her verse
touched the skies,
and all around her
was a chorus
of butterflies…
In the bleakest
when my sorrow
I stood in her shadow
and imbibed the details,
of her hallowed
as her blossoms overflowed,
in songs of kindness
I was saved
by her prose…


Posted in Mindfulness

a deep dive…

She felt the credence
of gentle waves,
down to the marrow
of her gaze…
she loved the vision
that took her there,
the winds
that whispered
visceral prayers…
absorbing miracles
she nudged
mercurial blues away…
and immersed herself
in a deep dive,
where herons play,
and seagulls thrive…
from the ache,
nature called her
to partake…
in gatherings
near glistening shores,
the soothing mantra of the outdoors…


Posted in Mindfulness

In time…

“Once you know yourself as the light, you will find that inner peace dominates every situation. It’s not that you will never feel fear, anxiety, or anger, but you will no longer get lost in your pain.”
― Panache Desai

in time

In time
I’ve been tempered,
absorbed by the flow
of nature’s perfection
and heaven’s glow…

I traveled too fast over fields of isolation,
only pausing for moments
of divine imagination…

on returning
to the center,
I was bathed in bliss,
astonished by the harmony
where fear can’t resist…

awoken in the small hours
confronted by dread,
I counted on darkness
to let the unseen tread…

The time lords reminded me
that we are
made of light,
vessels of love
waiting to ignite…

My calling is between the lines
of sounds
and words,
scribbled by the skies,
spoken out by birds…

I’ve surrendered to the fault lines of incongruent worlds,
delivered from comparisons
and temporal concerns…


Posted in Mindfulness

Countless blessings…

May you awaken to the mystery of being here
and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.” ~John O’Donohue.

light on the horizon

There is light
in every corner,
faith in every breath…
Beauty in the universe,
no such thing
as death…

There are signs
on each horizon,
joy waiting
to be seen…
Love that keeps
countless blessings
to be gleaned…



Posted in Mindfulness

Unwelcome visitors…

“The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.”
— Jellaludin Rumi,


Bitterness desired to walk with her,
to have his way
she would not entertain him, she said he couldn’t stay…

Frequently he knocked,
when pity arose
it was the “what ifs”,
the “if only’s”
that brought them to blows…

How was she to exile him
and keep him away?
he was an unwelcome visitor, leading her astray…

So, she invited him in, and they sat for a while,
she told him her deepest hurts and how he was so vile…

She told him she’d worked hard
to keep him at bay,
especially when “charmed lives” had gotten in the way…

He explained that his purpose
was to exhume her pain,
on confessing toxic thoughts
her composure
she regained…

He spoke out her misery
until he was finally through,
she felt so much lighter
and she bid him adieu…

He had taken all her shame and swept her house clean
it was in the dreaded darkness
she’d unearthed the unseen…

Now she welcomes visitors
of every kind,
by bringing them
to the light,
she awakens the divine…

image courtesy PixaBay