Posted in Love

The shape of love…

My son went to live with God 5 years ago on Thursday.
Every year my sister sends me flowers to honor the day…

The shape of love
is as gentle as
a rose
in full bloom,
it is translucent moonlight
in a darkened room…
Love is a fragrance
felt on the skin,
a secret dwelling place
that resides within…
it’s all our dreams
to be known…
It’s the joy of sensing
that we’re never alone…
It’s the kind of magic
that renews our faith,
it’s a warm feeling
where gratitude bathes…


Posted in Love

Love comes calling…

When love comes knocking
you let him in,
he doesn’t fix you,
though he’s under your skin.
He sings your praises
you sing his,
It’s a synergy
a beautiful thing.
You have fallen
into rhythmic dance,
the indestructible beauty
of the human expanse,
Where hearts
are motionless
when first they meet
without love’s presence
you feel incomplete.
But when love comes calling
you remember your song
your words
become holy
and you know you belong
to choruses of gratitude
to the colors of the sky,
and you call on forever
to be grace amplified… 


Posted in Love

you are the light…

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
― Desmond Tutu

hold the light in tender hands
watch as love and joy expand

go on roads less traveled
keep the faith
that quietly unravels

you are the light of human eyes
you are grace

let fear melt slowly away
and gather the memories
of those who pray

let your love be as confetti
and be the kindness that is never empty


Posted in Love


“As the wind loves to call things to dance,
May your gravity by lightened by grace.”
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

So, you don’t get love letters anymore?
go out, into the fields,
and listen to the earth’s encore.

glorious expressions
of devotion grow everywhere,
and frolicking
like whispered prayers.

that fall,
from up above,
faithful reminders
of God’s everlasting love.


Posted in Love

Happy Valentine’s day…

“Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love?
The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes.
― Maulana Jalalu-‘D-Din Muhammad I Rumi

Walk with me, beloved,
through fields of wildflowers,
singing songs of freedom
bring your super-powers…

Hold my hand when I’m weary,
listen to my voice,
let’s meander through the valleys and dispel the blaring noise…

Walk with me, beloved
and I will walk with you,
through wild imaginations
and skies of azure blue..

be my companion, when the stars are on display,
let’s gently rediscover the path of a better way..

Let’s go in truth, beloved,
silence will be our guide,
into unknown landscapes
with grace by our side…
we’ll stretch out the canvas
of a higher view,
and gather other seekers who search for their own truth…

Bear with me, beloved
when nights are fearsome and dark,
be my reassurance even when I miss the mark…

Be my homing pigeon, sleeping on the wing,
let’s believe together
in an everlasting-Spring…

Know that love will find us, wherever we may go,
in joyous celebration
as nature puts on a show…

Walk with me beloved through indestructible worlds,
in-spite of our grave concerns…


Most people who know me, know that I believe in love and all its wonder.
Be it the love of a friend, a brother, a child, or a partner.

Love is all around even in the wildness of the everyday!
let’s be love together!
(and yes it can be a squishy kind of love when the heart is all melty)

Posted in Love

We are the celebration…

“When you perceive another in love, they are changed by that act.”
-The Guides through Paul Selig

let’s become the presence of celebration
and even when emotions are strained
and we are merged with pain
meet me there,
among the desolation.
Let’s pick up our broken pieces together.

I will bring my offerings as human as I am
deeply flawed, yet illuminated by the radiance of stardust…

let’s gather again and shout out long stories
that require presence,
our unfinished confessions
our wild imaginations.

let’s be whimsical
and listen intently to cicadas at twilight
and begin again
to softly glow with the landscape..

let’s put the world on hold
and call up who we were
before the foundation of the earth!
Where the shores of tomorrow are unafraid
and we only see through the eyes of unconditional love…

let’s re-discover who we are and what we are doing here,
as our vain opinions scatter like dust
and our true selves rise like the dawn…


Posted in Love

Letting the light in…

“In your light, I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.”
― Rumi

In my best light
I don’t look like this,
but the sun still rises
each day in my eyes
and sets on my smile,
And this flickering
in the darkness
is like a kiss
that reminds me
how much love
is all around,
crowning me in luminescence.
I’m besotted with this light
and I’m beginning to let it in…

It’s been a tentative start to 2022,
I had to light a sparkler
and dance
and drink a little wine
to get my groove back…
