Posted in Magical

Monday blues..

Ralph Waldo Emerson — ‘Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.’

There’s a current of gladness
that wades-in on me
a shimmering ocean
that sets me free…
The warmth of morning
is in my eyes
seagulls swoop
and I’m mesmerized.
Whispy clouds
decorate the blues
it’s Monday
and I have nothing
to lose…
except for the weight
of intrusive thoughts
that weigh me down and
blow me
So I scatter my burdens
near forgiving shores,
the tide carries them
until they are no more…
And the majestic cliffs
stand in admiration,
as I give myself
to the imagination
of an ocean
that exists for eternity
transposing the darkness
of misery…
the voices in my head
speaking to me
from the ocean bed…
And I drink of its wildness
its untamed depths,
until the winds of creation are my only breath…

Posted in Magical


“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.” ― Mary Oliver

Sometimes I walk-in on magic,
the kind that gently blends…
It scatters somber fragments
and delicately transcends…
I bask in its softness
as daylight fades,
saturated in wonder,
I’m filled with praise!


Posted in Magical


It’s been a dry season where words failed
moods were dreary
and faith exhaled,
the glory of heaven had slipped my gaze
forsaking gatherings
of earthen praise…
But in the meantime the Divine is near
reminding me daily
not to hold to fear!

despondency had
my view,
future scenarios
unpleasant news…

in the silence of unhinged thought
deep inadequacies
took their course.
then reimagining the words to write
I prayed quietly
in soft moonlight,
and grace-filled angels were every were,
moving closer
like liquid-air…


Posted in Magical

Expected beauty

“The expected beauty of increased light has finally arrived
in this new time and energy.
The attitude of others is changing now
in this slow increase of illumination.​​​​​​​​”
~ Kryon ​​​​​​​​

I’m part of the uprising
of humankind
bringing love back,
giving sight to the blind

Holding space for those
who cannot see,
being a light for those
who do not believe,

And in the end
we’ll be transfigured
from death into life,
a miraculous vision
right before our eyes…


Posted in Magical


“There is a space that shows people that magic is real,
the other side is reality.”

You’ll find me
at the crossroads
where joy and sorrow meet.
A place of reunion
where faith is made complete.
where peace and love
allow me
to be myself,
in miraculous moments where light beings dwell…


Posted in Magical


“The earth has music for those who listen.”
George Santayana

Listen between the silences
listen without words
pay attention to cicadas
hear the song of birds.

Feel the earth in motion
as it creeps around the sun,
tune-in to grass growing
begin to be as one…

with the rhythms of nature
on butterfly wings
mindfulness will move you
and teach eternal things.

And again you’ll feel your wildness
you’ll tread ever so lightly
magic will remember you
beneath these ancient Trees…**


Posted in Magical

let the light in…

I was inspired by this quote…
“I wish I could show you
when you are lonely or in the darkness,
the astonishing light of your own being.”

With kindness,
we let the light in
and love embodies us
emanating through our skin…

With gratitude
we let the light in
and as we glow
the darkness
slowly dims…

With peace
we let the light in
and grace abounds
emerging from within…

With joy
we let the light in
and faith grows
the relentless din…

It’s with radiance, we gradually re-emerge,
remembering that
it’s our light that lights the world…
