Posted in Gratitude

Collective souls…

“I would like my life to be a statement of love and compassion–and where it isn’t, that’s where my work lies.”
― ram dass

If you want to see humanity
at its most splendid,
sit for a while with those
who have known great suffering.
Drink from the water-cooler
of life with those who have very little worldly wealth.
Cry with those who have faced terrible darkness.
Join in with the song
of the survivors
who made it to the other side..
You will find yourself in kinship
with the most beautiful expressions of humanity
poured out..
The trees will dance for you
the skies will open up
and butterflies will visit you on tender wings.
You will find yourself rejoicing
in the divinity of humankind…


Posted in Gratitude

Giving thanks…

In graceful aspects
where seagulls glide,
mists rolled in
on gentle tides…

Over dark waters
on a quiet afternoon,
magical light spilled
across the lagoon…

Children played on the banks,
*weavers darted,
while she gave thanks…

Warm swells beckoned her
to wade
in the shallows,
far from disquiet,
where grounds are hallowed… 

*Weavers are named for their intricately woven nests. The nests come in various sizes and shapes, with different materials used to build the nests.


Posted in Gratitude

Between sighs…

”We arrive at this place. It does not have to be complicated. Our priority is to look after ourselves but, in doing so, to get over ourselves. Having been seen, heard and gotten, we turn towards the point of just listening. Listening to the sounds of our body, to the sound of our inscape. In the stillness, we see a light emerging.”
-Rick Frame

I’ll just keep scribbling stories
between sighs,
and dance with the magic
before my eyes…

when the day’s over and my breath is at rest,
I’ll listen to inscapes
of wondrousness…


Posted in Gratitude


“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”
― Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

I was broken
I was scattered,
I could not see
beyond my mind.
And my bed
wouldn’t hold me,
I was crying on the inside.

Every dream
had vanished,
swallowed by the dark.
I was bleak
I unraveled,
weighed-down by a broken-heart.

Then I reimagined favor,
I redefined grace,
and I let kindness find me
in my secret
hiding place…

Thanks to my blogger friend Deb
for reminding me about Eckhart Tolle’s teachings!
