Posted in six word story

Six-word Saturday…

calling out
daring me to fly…

black birds

Posted in Thinking out loud

1000 posts…

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”
-Dr Zeus

one thousand posts

i put my toes in,
to feel the vibration
like a far-off splash
in an alien nation…

my visa was granted
by the great expanse,
and the currents took me to distant lands…

to journey into my deepest thoughts
to spill the beans
to stay the course…

at first,
i was afraid to speak
to unleash my burdens
to say i’m weak…

now i’m the sailor of a thousand posts,
digging up feelings
summoning ghosts…

spending my days chasing words
with the guidance of intelligent birds…


Posted in A tribute, Throwback Thursday

My Gran…

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

granny charlotte

I only recently found out that my Gran had a daughter
who passed at 2 years old.
My Gran was one of the most beautiful souls I have ever known…

Her skin was translucent like diaphanous sunshine,
I could see her veins…
she was slowly fading
into transcendent thought
shedding her pain…

though her form was fragile
her heart grew brave,
and her silver locks flowed down in waves…

amplified by breath-taking wonder
beyond death…
time unraveled
into ascended breath,
transforming her into radiant particles
bit by bit,
her flesh evanesced,
effecting a shift…

becoming one with the source
her grief atoned,
imagining the completeness of being fully known…

a holder of sorrows and unbearable grief,
she was the mystical light-bearer
of my first beliefs…


Posted in Mindfulness

Unwelcome visitors…

“The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.”
— Jellaludin Rumi,


Bitterness desired to walk with her,
to have his way
she would not entertain him, she said he couldn’t stay…

Frequently he knocked,
when pity arose
it was the “what ifs”,
the “if only’s”
that brought them to blows…

How was she to exile him
and keep him away?
he was an unwelcome visitor, leading her astray…

So, she invited him in, and they sat for a while,
she told him her deepest hurts and how he was so vile…

She told him she’d worked hard
to keep him at bay,
especially when “charmed lives” had gotten in the way…

He explained that his purpose
was to exhume her pain,
on confessing toxic thoughts
her composure
she regained…

He spoke out her misery
until he was finally through,
she felt so much lighter
and she bid him adieu…

He had taken all her shame and swept her house clean
it was in the dreaded darkness
she’d unearthed the unseen…

Now she welcomes visitors
of every kind,
by bringing them
to the light,
she awakens the divine…

image courtesy PixaBay

Posted in daydreaming

Monday meditation…

“The important thing is not to think much, but to love much.”
― St. Theresa of Avila

buddha statue

Laugh and the hills will echo
to the resonance
of your joy…
Sing and the trees will vibrate
to the cadence
of your voice… Dance and the flowers
will mimic
your glory adorned…
love and every molecule
will gladly
be transformed…


Posted in Breathing under water

She spoke with her eyes…

“Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
― Mark Twain
spoke with her eyes

She spoke
with her eyes
asking how I survived
this brutal demise…
and she read
the depths
of my pain
in words unexplained…
as grief broke from my lips
in convoluted scripts…
her kind conversation
was my ground
of liberation…

Art courtesy of Facebook

Posted in story of me, Throwback Thursday

A child of Nature’s wonderment…

“I knew who I was this morning, but I’ve changed a few times since then.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass

dance 2

I found my bliss in Bulawayo,
surrounded by a gaggle of ducks,
some noisy bantams and a dog named Judy…
Somehow, I knew from an early age that I was different,
a dreamer, an artist, a seer of visions.
(not recommended in a household of intellectuals)…

I was a child of nature’s wonderment
and spent many happy hours outdoors.
I clearly remember the first time I planted seeds
in my own corner of the garden,
the utter joy at seeing them sprout
from the hard-dry earth.
Everything seemed like a miracle back then,
alive with possibility…

The night skies were spectacular in Bulawayo
and I would lie on the crisp yellow grass
in the evenings watching the stars.
I had a sense that I was not alone in the vastness of everything
and a loving presence was always with me…

I was not popular in school, just a shy, dull and not very bright little girl
or that’s what I told myself…

I recall picking daisies and wild grasses in the garden
and putting them in a jar to decorate my room.
I loved climbing the giant tree outside our kitchen,
riding my bike to school in the rain
and listening to the latest pop records
while my brother played DJ in the next room.
I fell in love with all my brothers’ friends
but sadly it was unrequited…

Living in this magical Universe, I was untouched by the harsh realities of the world.

Though I deeply desired to be famous,
I shrunk away from too much attention,
actually feeling like a lost child, misplaced, and really quite odd!

I took up ballet when I was a little older,
I loved to dance, but I gave it up because
the other girls were prettier and slimmer than I was,
and I felt thoroughly out of place…

I loved tea parties with lashings of cake, Sunday lunches,
and lying next to the pool day-dreaming.
We were only allowed to drink coca-cola on weekends.
I still love the sweet, fizzy taste on a hot afternoon,
it elicits memories of a time when life was less complicated…

We had a kind, gentle man who cleaned our house,
he made the beds and did all the domestic chores.
His quiet, humble presence made me love him like a Father.
When I got home from school
he would make marmite and egg sandwiches
and we would listen to the radio together.

Though it was forbidden, I remember sneaking
into his room just to take a peek.
It was cold and bare with dark walls and a spring bed.
There was a prima stove on a tiny table in the corner.

I couldn’t comprehend why we lived in relative comfort
while he lived in an impoverished setting
drinking his tea from a jam jar…
(it makes me cry just thinking about it)
I was just a child unaware of the atrocities of that time,
and yet he was one of the most beautiful, grateful, humble human beings I have ever met…

We had to leave Bulawayo abruptly when I was about fifteen,
but my heart is still buried there, in the dusty earth…
