Posted in life

Trick or treat?

Stevie made his Grim Reaper costume from an old sheet…

Halloween has never been a big celebration for us here in South Africa,
but one year the kids wanted to do “trick or treating” in the neighborhood.
So they dressed up in homemade costumes and ventured out.
It wasn’t long before they came screaming back.
Apparently, there was a suspicious man in a house at the top of the road,
and instead of “treat” he wanted “trick”.
They didn’t even know what that meant, but he looked funny
and his house was dark inside.
I think they had watched too many “haunted house” movies… 

Posted in dance


“Dance me through the panic till I’m gathered safely in.”
― Leonard Cohen

Doing the “Stevie dance.”

Take me back
in time
to the sound-track of my life,
when lyrics spoke volumes
and made me
feel fine…

And we danced in celebration
completely unrestrained,
sweet songs of revival
gushed like holy rain!

we tuned-in to heartbeats
gazed up at the skies
we recognized the wildness
that made us feel alive

even through
the struggle
we knew the dream was near,
we spoke with poetry
to quell our deepest fears…

and our silent ponderings
were fluent in verse,
with a fragrance
that covers the whole earth….

My son Stevie could dance, and he encouraged everyone else too.
I always think of him when I dance and I know he is joining in!


Posted in Beauty

Adornments of the Earth…

“The earth laughs in flowers.”― Ralph Waldo Emerson

She noticed
of love
along the way,
the yellows
and greens
had something to say!
And she drank in
the ambiance
of colors so kind…
on walkways
over sand dunes
of a forgetful mind…

And she returned
to the tenor
of being fully loved,
to cherished
to partakers of..
creation’s wonder,
adornments of the earth…
the flowers
she remembered
her worth!


Posted in Acceptance


“There are days when you wake up happy;
Again inside the fullness of life,
Until the moment breaks
And you are thrown back
Onto the black tide of loss”
― John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

In convoluted moods
of heartache
feelings persist,
reflections of another life
where magic still exists…

The storm grew weary
pouring out her pain
she bowed to its heaviness
stranded in the rain…

And the light
of her understanding
broke through
the clouds,
in a downpour
of melancholy
grief is allowed…


Posted in daydreaming


“All I can be is me- whoever that is. ”
― Bob Dylan

Words are out of tune
right now
they hardly resemble me
at times darkness
crowds in
and days are blurred with color.
I’m saturated
in unknown things
the world seems to pass me by

The summer of love
is happening
and I’ve got my bare-feet on…
