Posted in signs


reaching the stars

I held him for a moment
by his hues,
then I cast
into oceans
of sapphire blues ♡
he fused
with the pulse
of a thousand brilliant stars
as he touched
the nebula
on his way to Mars…


Posted in signs

Beside us…

“You would want us to find you in presence,
Beside us when beauty brightens,
When kindness glows
And music echoes eternal tones.”
John O’Donohue


In my terror
to have lost your form,
I watched the skies,
I trod the storm..
absorbed by the energy of living streams,
I was flooded by the love
of radiant beings…
These light-filled souls bestowed great gifts,
in wellsprings
of cosmic shifts…
turning mourning
into joy,
with signs and wonders
that filled the void…


Posted in signs

Signs are all around….

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
– Albert Einstein

coin 2

I’m reading a book about “Signs” by Laura Lynne Jackson, and numerous times I have asked my son to send me coins.
In the book, she talks about how her Dad sends her penguins as a sign that he is with her.
So this morning I go on Facebook and this is what I get in quick succession…
It blew my mind…..


Art by Carol Nelson

Posted in signs

Joy and sorrow

“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

pixabay swallows

Two swallows perched
my heart skipped a beat
and with an effortless memo
they forwarded this tweet

“That just as the tide turns
and ebbs and flows
in the twinkle of an eye
heaven bestows
a change of perspective through God’s wondrous gifts,
and even in deep sorrow
joy still exists….”

Sadly I couldn’t get a clear shot but thanks to Pixabay I found this wonderful image!

Posted in signs


“I’ve been upside down,
I don’t wanna be the right way round,
can’t find paradise on the ground.”
-Oh Wonder

Upside down

I saw rain fall,
there were no clouds,
“signs from heaven”
I thought out loud!

The sun was shining all the while,
looking upwards,
it made me smile….

The invisible made visible before my eyes,
mystical wonder drenched me,
and I was baptized!

Interventions on a daunting journey,
and sightings of infinite mercy…
