Posted in signs


reaching the stars

I held him for a moment
by his hues,
then I cast
into oceans
of sapphire blues ♡
he fused
with the pulse
of a thousand brilliant stars
as he touched
the nebula
on his way to Mars…


Posted in prayer

Proclaimed divine…

“We’re here to awaken from the illusion of separateness”
― Ram Dass, How Can I Help? Stories and Reflection on Service

daisy with earth as centre

Are we just wanderers in oceans of doubt,
clinging to possessions
seemingly devout?

Or are we sojourners on an indigo orb,
timeless travelers trusting the source?

As restless sightseers, we search for truth,
observing the drone of never-ending loops…

in fragmented capsules, we race to belong,
briefly forgetting the tempo of our songs…

we bring sacred offerings, and set discord aside
coalescing with the goodness
of all humankind…

beginning to discover,
the nature of ourselves,
we drink from reservoirs where our humanness swells…

Learning from the Sages and enlightened beings
kindness is the conduit,
to new ways of believing…

To stand together at the edge of time,
each tongue and tribe
proclaimed divine…

image courtesy of PixaBay

Posted in celebratinglove

A sacred celebration…

“We’re all just walking each other home.”
― Ram Dass

carols by candlelight

There’s a field of love around us,
an energetic pull…
a momentous feeling,
of grace alive
in full…

Angels cry holy
and anthems can be heard,
in sacred celebration
of consciousness
in the world…

A wave of joy greets us,
the unseen
a mystical awakening
it’s music to our ears…

And we dance
to the silence,
singing in between,
despite all our brokenness,
kindness intervenes…

the enlivenment
of our senses,
a glorious shift,
a divine intervention,
an incarnate gift…

It’s the call
to remember
from whence
we have come,
earthbound for a moment
we coalesce
with the son…

Sentient beings
among us
the silence,
speaking out truth,
with love and grace
to guide us…


Posted in dance

If I had wings…

summer soltice

If I had wings
I would fly to you,
over dark vistas,
passed Timbuktu…

I’d walk
on rooftops
just to see your face,
search crowds
until I feel
your embrace…

If I had wings,
you would see
me shine,
We’d be like souls
from primordial times…

carrying childish memories
of dance halls
and sacred treasuries…


Posted in celebratinglove, Christmas

Something real…

simple christmas

The tinsel decorations have been put aside,
tiny Santa’s,
and golden baubles

gather dust in forlorn boxes…

The meaning has been questioned,
over and over
played out
and misunderstood…

If it does not taste of Love it has no flavor…

all she wanted was simplicity,
just a few lights,

and the
soft glow
of something real…

Posted in prayer

Constantly in motion…

constantly in motion

Do clouds gather
to collect our tears?
vapors of love
in the atmosphere…

human heartbeats
in liquid traces,
from heavenly places…

bearing the weight
of our deepest despair,
merchants of hope
ascending in prayer…

returning to grounds,
desolate and dry,
pouring blessing
from mystical skies…

streaming back
into cosmic oceans,
sacred memories,
constantly in motion…


Posted in courage

Kept me from falling…

“Love is not a victory march
It’s a cold and it’s a broken Hallelujah”
― Leonard Cohen, Songs of Leonard Cohen

spreading light

light-filled souls
stand before me
in dark hallways
of grief,
applauding my courage…
and yet
I say to them…
“you are the ones
who bequeath
great strength…
for when I was
in the depths
of despair,
you sent down
and moonbeams,
you kept me from falling into the abyss.”…

Image from Facebook

Posted in Thinking out loud

Bone china teacups…

“I am pure light, not just a fistful of clay. The shell is not me. I came as the royal pearl within. Look at me not with outward eye, but with inward vision of the heart; Follow me there and see how unencumbered we become”…
― Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi


It’s been a grueling affair,
trying to be someone
I’m not,
holding my tongue…
I quietly explode
in this kind of pomposity,
when my voice is drowned out
by meaningless rhetoric.

I was always a nobody,
a dreamer,
and nothing has changed!

There are no achievements
to brag about,
no new additions to show off…

Just the dull ache of life,
the one foot in front of the other
kind of scenario,
a life needing only to be endured…

Like the last breath of sacred air
having confession…

The plagues have taken me
to dark places,
eaten me alive.

I’ve fallen
into a slow decline,
and a longing to be expunged
from the earth.

I’m a prosaic narrative of the “waking dead”…

But when I change direction,
I swing into timeless zones
places where apparitions comb the darkness
and light-filled souls hold me,
speaking only in dialects of kindness…

I’m comfortable there,
singing my anthems,
talking to ghosts.

I don’t need approval,
just the serenity of being,
to have sunlight by day
and starlight by night…

bone China teacups don’t make me feel stronger,
they are just pieces
that gather dust in the silence,
mere frivolities to collect
and be admired by few…

representations of such fragility that I cannot bear to hold…

I wondered then
if you hear me
your own thoughts,
or see me through your impressions?

I felt diminished,
groundless in my own being
with dysfunction…

But I’m weary now,
weary of the pretense…

I could tell you so much,
if only you put aside your preconceptions.
I could show you the brutality
that broke me open,
that tore the flesh
from my bones…

giving me visions of another world…

I could also tell you of bravery,
of seeing
of believing in magic.
I could take you to a place where the dead are alive,
and the veil is lifted…

a place of signs and wonders,
unimaginable colors,
vibrations of love,
no talk of death…

Just magical vistas as far as the eye can see…

Mystics tell of these cosmic landscapes
and I believe them…

But I’m just the dull little girl that you remember,
the underachiever
and I can’t seem to change the voice
on the self-drive…

I’ve needed your approval for way too long,
longer than any life could bear…

So if you find me silent,
almost withdrawn,
it’s because I’m protecting my heart
from the savagery of my own thoughts…

You see I’m scarred and bloody
in need of belonging,
and maybe a vacation…

I’m made of stardust and the boundlessness of light,
just like you!!
