Posted in a remembrance

Feeling groovy

“feelin’ good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
― Kris Kristofferson

Come for tea
and I’ll sing for you,
in whiter shades of pale.
I’ll dance like I’m seventeen
and treasure
each detail.

memories of our childhood
beats that bring us joy,
unforgettable melodies
tunes that fill the void.

let’s call on the remembrance
of those timeless beats,
where flower children
danced and sang
and took to the streets…

reminding us that we are lovers
not born for strife,
and together we can live in peace
and do the walk of life!

My tears flow in silence as I think back on those days,
when nothing really bothered us
and we sang to purple rain…

My brother has been on the radio on Sunday afternoons,
it’s always been a dream of his to be a DJ.
Yesterday I found myself taken back to my teenage years
and the feeling was kinda groovy!


Posted in Thinking out loud


“We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection.
― Brene Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection

In bygone times
I would read between the lines
and the resonance
sounded out in laughter
in memoirs of a book
yet unwritten….
tangible moments,
that were once
with a communion of words
and images,
friendships across the miles
unbroken connections….

Now it reads
like an echo chamber
a seemingly irreversible
a mere appendage
of what used to be.
Where once we forged
they now appear lost
in timeless algorithms,
stolen by unknown entities

And all that’s left
are abstractions
the bare bones of who
we wish we were,
maybe who
we are yet to be.
Just cut-outs of ourselves!

What happened to
picnics on the lake,
road-trips through eternity,
at moonrise!

Fear trapped us
in a time, warp,
a separation!

We have almost forgotten
the beauty
of gathering,
the gracefulness
of our flawed beings,
our shared humanity,
hearts that pour out
with incredible love
and the divine light
that holds us

I read such a sad story on Instagram about a man who feels
“forgotten, no longer seen, invisible” were his words..
At times like this when connection is the essence of humanity, are we lost?


Posted in Gratitude


“Let’s us be grateful to the people who make us happy: they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
― Marcel Proust

Sometimes a girl needs
a fairy godmother
to swoop into her life,
to buy her chocolates
and give her flowers.
To use her magic wand
to restore her sparkle,
and make her laugh!
To reminder her
that she still is
the “Belle of the ball”.
To bring light
to her darkness
and help her believe
in magic again…

I’ve been admiring all the photos of tulips in the Northern hemisphere. Here in Africa it doesn’t really get cold enough but there are some growers who find a way. A friend gave me these and they delighted my heart!


Posted in seasons

Earth’s encore…

So you don’t
get love letters
Go out into the fields
and drink in nature’s cure…

of love
are everywhere
and dancing with creative flair…

serenading you
with undying love,
messages that fall
from up above…

and when you find
at your door,
go out and join-in
with earth’s encore…


Posted in A tribute

Rest well my friend…

“For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?
Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

The skies yearned to hold you
the moon knew your face,
you filled this world with magic
and the warmth of your embrace…

and when your bones grew weary
your learnt how to fly
you flew above the darkness
you soared into celestial skies…

And the Angels
received you
with a glorious refrain,
a wonderous celebration
a journey into love’s domain…

and your tears ceased a falling
the higher you flew,
you saw a world of radiance
from an irresistible view,
you became part of the oceans
part of the cosmic seas,
one with the movement
into the dance
you were set free…

I can still hear your laughter above the gusty winds,
you sparkle in my mind’s eye
your light cannot be dimmed…

I will love you forever, until the end of time
and then I’ll love you again
when we remember
that we’re truly divine!

I’ll never be able to listen to Mike Jagger and not think of you darling friend.
I’ll always put mayonnaise on my cheese sarmies.
You were the only one I know in the whole wide world who could make
awesome cappuccinos with Frisco coffee and a *bully beef quiche fit for a queen.
Your life touched mine in the soft places that no one else sees,

you were a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a warm heart,
a light in this dark world.
You have been released from your suffering and have gone home to God.
I will never forget you beloved Joan and I will love you forever,
until we meet again. Rest well my darling.

*bully beef = tinned corned beef


Posted in Gratitude


take me to a place
where waters reach
the skies,
where the darkness
pardons me
and I’m sanctified…

spread me out
at twilight
on night bird’s wings
show me harmony,
teach me to sing…

as I bask
in starlight
and the risen moon,
gather me
in the presence
of a grateful tune…

and in the quiet
of evening
where secrets
are hidden,
restore my life
bring back my vision…

let the anointing
fall on me this night,
and I wallow
in the company
of healing light..


Posted in Surrender

My constant Muse…

“I am so grateful that surrender had taught me to willingly participate in life’s dance with a quiet mind and an open heart.”
― Michael A. Singer, The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection

The distant mountains
carved out blues,
reflections of
my constant muse…
I waded down
to the water’s edge
and from the banks
the herons pledged
to teach me
to gently glide
and flow…
to be unruffled
in times of woe…

In the everglades
hidden away,
I unearthed an anointing on this day…

I’ve been doing the surrender experiment for a few years,
but every now and then I forget and start trying to control things again,
then I go out and get re-taught by birds and butterflies!
