Posted in Surrender


“You were born a child of light’s wonderful secret— you return to the beauty you have always been.”
― Aberjhani

forest butterflies

He emerged from his pupa at the end of time
when reasons don’t matter,
and words don’t rhyme…
and out of the brooding, where darkness restores,
he felt resurrection deep down in his core…

the summer of love beckoned
and trees stood tall,
he soaked in the awakening
where light beings are called…

and the forests whispered while the seas roared,
he danced to tempos of one accord…

he had left the winter of his discontent,
and landed in pastures where love augments…

and from his chrysalis where dreams are made
he stepped into his beauty,
he was unafraid…

image courtesy of PixaBay


I am an unknown introvert who desires to touch the world with a little bit of magic...

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