Posted in Joy

Songs of Childhood

“The soul is healed by being with children.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

beautiful child
There was a sparkle in her smile
a voice of such sweet melody.
She had an irresistible style
an aura of such pleasantry.
I couldn’t resist to sit awhile
and bask in tones so velvety.
A happy, carefree little child
with songs of dulcet melody.
A euphony of joy compiled,
abundance of pure ecstasy.


Posted in story of me

I’m Human

“We are star stuff harvesting sunlight.”
Carl Sagan

I'm human
I’ve known a place where lies
were born and lived
in deep remembrance.
It was a place too fearful for expression.
It required perfection,
it demanded falsehood.
Looking good was more
important than being human.
It was a place of hypocrisy
and truth was buried in deceitful graves.

I ran from that place
and found my own vulnerability,
my own dark cave of humiliation.
Pretence had weighed too heavy
and had eaten me alive.
I grew to know my imperfection.
I was flawed beyond reason.
I lived like a death row inmate
waiting to end the misery
of my defective identity.
Perhaps I did die
to that false self
to those destructive beliefs
I’m in love with truth
I celebrate imperfection
I embrace vulnerability.
I think
I’m actually


Posted in Love

A symphony of life

“Spread Love everywhere you go.”
Mother Teresa

church 2
The dark found its
way into the light.
With sightless eyes,
unconscious night.
Forgive the dark, it
cannot comprehend.
From misery, iniquity
had stemmed.
A monstrous brew,

its outcome deadly.
Absence of love, a
world that’s empty.

In meadows green
the black birds flew.
From precious life
He bid adieu.
Released by Angels
chanting songs of praise.
A symphony of life
from death be raised.
Love and peace on
outspread wings.
Souls rejoice with
hearts that sing.


Posted in Dreaming while awake

Heavenly debris

“Because you are alive, everything is possible.”
Thich Nhat Hanh, Living Buddha, Living Christ

hope 2
There’s hope
in every sunrise,
many reasons
to be alive.

Sometimes the
dark will beckon
and light is
gone in seconds.

In pitch black
you will see
from sufferings
be freed.

Of light you
will expose
the dreaded

With Gratitude
the truth in
you believed.

loved, released,
awash in
heavenly debris.

In dark at
end day,
new life is
on the way.


Posted in Where I live.

Cheeky Birds

“Birds are the eyes of Heaven.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun


We have naughty Drongas
who visit every day.
They eat tiny bits of cheese
and chase small birds away.

One stands watch, and waits for me,
others swoop and grab.
These cheeky little beggars
with them life’s never drab.

I’ve watched them from a distance
they steal other bird’s food.
I wonder if they are lazy
or just absolutely rude.

My cat doesn’t like them
they make loud garish sounds,
and imitate her meowing,
their boldness knows no bounds!


Posted in Magical

For the love of Poetry

I just love this poem by Wendell Berry:-

wild things

“The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”
Wendell Berry, The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry


Posted in Dreaming while awake

Quiet Seclusion

“I rest in the grace of the world, and I am free.”
Wendell Berry, The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry

quiet seclusion

I long to sojourn in quiet seclusion
with only the stars for light,
and soft moss for my bed
My friends will be happy birds,
who only speak the language of love.
The bright sun will awaken me at dawn
and I will drink the dew of morning.
The trees will shade me from
the intensity of the noonday sun.
Their leaves will bristle
when the wind picks up
and softly brush the silence.
All nature will keep me company.
I won’t feel alone in such majesty
as I ponder creation and all its glory.
I will remember a life simply lived,
when berries fed an empty belly
and the dark earth
brought forth sustenance.
Sorrow will not be found
among the dancing leaves.
When I touch the
floor of the forest in worship,
I will allow miniature creatures
to penetrate my silence.
This place of forgetfulness
will occupy my being.
The expanse of the entire Universe
will be known to me
and I will observe that I’m wonderfully made.
The nights will bring restfulness
to my weary wanderings.
I’ll count stars instead of sheep
and feel the blanket of darkness
gently cover me.
The night birds will serenade me
and calm my restive soul.


Posted in Dreaming while awake

Midsummer’s Night dream

“Love’s stories written in love’s richest books.
To fan the moonbeams from his sleeping eyes.”
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

mid summer's night dreamingI ran to the woods and what did I find
by night the moon and stars aligned.
A summer frolic, sweet dreams met.
Strange unions I can’t forget.

The Duke of Athens proclaimed a date.
A wedding feast, oh happy state.
Courtier’s troubles were brought to bear.
The Duke did order, disunity flared.

From awful decree, lovers hastened away.
The fear of death on hearts did weigh.
In wooded seclusion unseen fairies there
and soft tranquility filled the night air.

Mischievous Puck with passions flower
touched sleeping eyes, in love devoured.
With Fairy Queen’s first awful match,
King Oberon’s scheme was hatched.

A beguiling trance in love’s secret place
mismatched unions of love displaced.
In lover’s pursuit they scrambled about,
then exhaustion fell by all accounts.

The deepest sleep on eyes did fall,
passions flower afresh, of love befall.
Alliance restored with such delight
Fairy queen awoke to odious sight.

Oberon released the Fairy Queen’s spell.
Trumpets sounded and all was well.
Some thought to dream, in wooded glades.
Lover’s married and the Company played.

Blessings bestowed on man and beast.
A delightful dream, to say the least.
