Posted in prayer

Endless night…

Last night while waiting to see the lunar eclipse in between watching the rugby (our side won by the way) and hearing cheers from our township I was struck by the contrasts. I found myself calling out for love, joy, and peace to inhabit our world…
P. S. It was too cloudy to see the moon, but I felt the darkness descend…

While our country cheers
a world-away weeps,
the moon quietly rises
foresaken men sleep…
And voices are raised to a sky without stars
we hold onto light
while fear takes up arms…
innocent blood leaves
a blight on the lands,
in this terror of suffering
we make our stand,
And in the aftermath
we inhabit these ruins,
searching for faith
until our prayers become fluid…
To rain down peace
on a suffering earth
and remind every human
of their immortal birth…

As I look out this night
waiting for answers
I watch the darkness
I hear the dancers
In joyous celebration
of a future age,
I consult the heavens
ever mindful of the sage
who taught me once
that hearts will be broken,
but in the end
only love will be spoken,
And every soul will become
a temple of light,
vanquishing the misery
of this endless night!

Posted in prayer


I’m reborn with every tide
gathered by every particle
spread out
I begin again..

Light touches me
I’m invigorated by the wind..

It’s here I forget myself
and become one
with the flow of all things,
alive in the moment..

It’s here that I pray for the world
I meditate with the seagulls
I bow before the vastness of the skies
And I kneel before all sorrows…

It’s here I reacquaint myself with joy?

The roar of the ocean awakens me
drowns out the suffering
and brings me back to life..

It’s here that
I remember my purpose on earth
To hold light
and then become it…


Posted in Beauty

I can’t get enough…

I can’t get enough
of your glory
as though I’m living a dream.
I imbibe the magic
of the sun in my eyes
dancing through light beams.
And I move with the rushing waters
sink into fluent shades,
I’m one with the sound
of the ocean,
I’m present when
the light slowly fades…
And you’ll call me back here tomorrow
once again I’ll be absorbed
by the worshipful colours
of the sea and the sky
and my faith will be restored.


Posted in Throwback Thursday

When grief spills

“i will search for you in every lifetime after this
to feel your skin is a blessing that transcends mortality
i would bend worlds and shear through dimensions to keep your soul close to mine”
– Grace King 2022

when grief spills
my body responds
in tears
with an emptiness in the pit of my heart
a split in my psyche
a wave of pity
a disbelief
a lost presence
my head hurts
my throat closes
the wound leaks
and I am left dispossessed…

there’s a force that wants me to remember
and through the pain I can
like I must never forget
I hold onto the memories for dear life
as time fades
and old photographs grow faint

and we grow older and you don’t!

I long to be reunited
and dance
and touch
and feel your laughter
all I can hear now are your words on the wind
all I can see now are the memories of you
all I breathe now is your light that shines in my darkness

I will search every lifetime for you
I will scour the universe to hold your hand once again
your voice is still heard in cosmic realms
it is part of me
it is me

your body was once mine
now in it’s departing
I only see it through the eyes of my soul…

I know you
I recognize the essence that is you
and we will be together again
in a great gathering of love


Posted in prayer

Let peace reign…

“Imagine all the people sharing all the world, I wonder if you can.”
― John Lennon

They would divide us
through their deeds,
tame our minds
with their declarations.

By becoming love we can overcome
this terrible darkness.

It is written that love
covers a multitude of sins,
that it bears all things,
yet have we fallen into a deep sleep
forgetting our true origins?

love and unity brought us forth.
we were one at the foundation of the earth.
love was our only language
faith gave us wings
joy was before us
kindness and compassion were our contemplation.
Gentleness was our body
grace was our heart.

We are of one accord
like instruments playing together
in an orchestra of love,
complimenting each other
with music to our ears.

let us remain in love
singing the songs of our souls in harmonies of the Divine.

Let us stand with the innocents in any conflict
Be their voice
hear the cry of the children
let them play
let them know they belong to the brotherhood/sisterhood of man

Let peace reign down among us…


Posted in Where I live.

Humans of Sedgefield…

Where I live…
there’s a car guard called Tommy who only has one leg. There’s a tall and handsome stranger called Thomas who sleeps in a cave at the beach, some call him the Wizard .

There’s a guy called Eric who sometimes drinks too much and tells tall stories. There’s a couple who live in their car, I don’t know their names yet, they get “Meals on Wheels” from Jimmy who runs the kitchen.

There’s a man at the old age home who just turned 100 and he’s as proud as punch because he got a letter from the king.

There are artists and dreamers and helpers, some schemers, but mostly humans who are willing to help in a crisis.

It’s an odd place with trees that line the avenue,
a truck stop for the weary
and Henny at the wine shop is always keen to chat.

The cashiers in the supermarket are full of smiles and sweet Caroline will never forget to swipe your “smart shopper card” on double points day.

Then there’s Bomber the editor of our local newspaper who writes a hilarious column.

There’s Klaus the plumber who will come out on Christmas day and Wendy the artist who used to run the art society, she remembers when sedgefield was a tiny village, now everyone wants to live here.

Lastly, there’s Mike the old mayor who always has a corny joke or a limerick to tell. He was once in a play and he forgot his lines, so he made up his own…

Young and old, rich and poor, it’s really a kaleidoscope of beautiful humans!!

Posted in Beauty

Landscapes of love

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
-Matt 6:21

I’ve been mute at times,
shocked by a loveless and chaotic world.

I search for beauty every day.
It’s always there in landscapes of love.

I’m awakened by a strange longing
to understand what my heart
truly desires.

Not to be left wanting
or satisfied only by the things of this world.

To turn from self-pity
and transcend into
higher vibrations.

But alas, I am human
and the flesh cries out for relief.

I wallow sometimes in my own tears,
sometimes I even drown in them,
because life can be so cruel.

Yet from this pit of sorrow
I can still see the stars…
