Posted in Beauty

An ordinary life…

I try to live the beauty of an ordinary life.
In my garden breathing in the fragrance of soft earth
the crunch of leaves underfoot.
Floating with butterflies
Buzzing with bees.
Finding hiding places where joy quietly grows.
Walking barefoot on the beach
in the cold winter’s sand.
Watching the aloes blossoming
at the end of June.
Seeing the bright sun
dancing over the waters
and feeling squishy mud
between my toes.
Listening to the night birds’ dulcet tones
in the small hours.
Hearing a cockerel’s distant crow at dawn.
Being mindful of my warm breath
on a wintery morning.

And of course
my relationship with my beloveds.

It’s an ordinary life and the essence of my being…


I am an unknown introvert who desires to touch the world with a little bit of magic...

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