Posted in Beauty

Letting more light in…

It’s been a while,
I’ve been on a natural sabbatical
allowing the unforced rhythms to accept me into their loveliness
not needing to be anything but myself.

It’s a journey of faith
a surrender
hoping that the untamed within me has the answers I seek.
Maybe it’s also been a wallowing,
a cry out in a dark world for peace.

Hearing the ancestors call to be grounded by the earth
and bow down to the brave among us!

but beauty has not escaped my grasp
she has not been evasive in any way
she lingers in the winds
she storms with the ocean
she runs with the rivers
she lives inside the mountains
she dances with the flowers
she explores the heavens
and settles with me in fields of forgetfulness.

I too have not escaped her gaze
for I find myself stopping almost every moment
to let her remain in me.

it’s been a time of letting more light in
and being ever watchful in this time of reckoning…



I am an unknown introvert who desires to touch the world with a little bit of magic...

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