Posted in Gratitude

Counting my blessings

“Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.”
― Caroline Myss

a daisy

Forgotten gratitude
from my form.
In cavernous pity
my vision impaired,
in screams
I prayed.

“Surrender again
to the life you didn’t choose”

……And I flowed into fields
of tenderness,
gathering blossoms
of love
and acceptance,
that spilt from
reservoirs of favor.

I streamed back
to the harmony
of being.

I’m counting my blessings
one petal at a time.
Awakening to the love songs
that emanate
from my soul…….



I am an unknown introvert who desires to touch the world with a little bit of magic...

10 thoughts on “Counting my blessings

      1. I can relate, Ally. Grief and sorrow weigh us down and I tend to spiral downward. It is only through a conscious process of gratitude that I can bring myself back. I also try to be thankful for the many years I had with my younger brothers and focus on their lives and legacy rather than their death. Easier said than done at times. Sending you love and hugs❤️😘

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thanks Sue, I agree…easier said than done.
        When I do well I hear my son say “You make me proud Mom”. So I try my best to honor him.
        love and hugs to you too xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

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