Posted in paradox

I am…

On my journey to knowing myself, I find I’m a mass of contradictions…

a fragrance of a forestI am the fragrance
of a forest,
embedded stillness,
gently flawless…

I am a torrent of erratic movement,
free falling,
life translucent…

I am an ocean of mercurial tones,
ebbing and flowing
secrets unknown…

I am a river,
intense and noble,
bubbling radiance,

I am a flower,
wholesome and tender,
blooming in sunshine
deeply centered…

I am a melody,
yet serene,
harmonious pitch,
sometimes extreme!

I am a whisper on the breeze,
almost forsaken
hard to appease…

I am a paradox, containing light,
aware of darkness
yet bright…


Posted in Thinking out loud


“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.
Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition.”― Rumi


I’m grinding out the words
unable to find
the string,
to put them together
and make sense of

I’m regurgitating
of other lives, I’ve lived
hoping to make this one count…

Yet the momentum
breaks down
when I’m scattered
in thought
and fog
to obscure the facade,
of a nonchalant

And my appearance is weak
and my soul
is tired,
I can’t drum up support
for this new
between the lines
of bewilderment and praise…

It’s all just words
jumbled together
making no sense,
just displays of inadequacy
performing moods
of inevitable

so the audience
went home
and silence spoke
in the open heart theatre
of my longing
to be known…


Posted in life


We’ve been having power outages, sometimes three times a day….we call it load-shedding. There are many reasons for this happening in our part of the world and we have learned to live with it and do other things, but sometimes it is hard.

power outages

light merges
into darkness
becoming silence,
hopefully not despair…
when the power fades
we breathe out
and learn to live without a care…

Posted in prayer


“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.

dark clouds

mercurial skies smudged
in dark
and thundering tones…disturbed entities strike a terrible blow…
heartless form spews
and discontent…
failing to incarnate love,
they plunge
into descent…



Posted in Acceptance

Seeing with the eyes of the heart…

“I am so grateful that surrender had taught me to willingly participate in life’s dance with a quiet mind and an open heart.”
― Michael A. Singer, The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life’s Perfection


The untethered soul
cannot be chained by circumstance
or relapse
into the insecurity
of the mind….
temporal attachments
have no hold
on those
who see their worth
through the eyes of love…